Communal Work
Come join us! Together we will build the future in Kiryat Gat!
The Kiryat Gat Hesder Yeshiva is proud to be at the forefront of many important activities related to social services, education, religion and special projects, in which it has participated. The yeshiva students and staff run these programs with great energy and enthusiasm, out of a deep sense of mutual concern and responsibility for others in the community.
Social Activities
Community Passover Seder for the Elderly
Seder is held for 200 elderly persons from the Ethiopian community, FSU (former Soviet Union) and veteran residents of Kiryat Gat, under the auspices of the seniors' club. Without this event the participants would not have a traditional Seder. Partners: the Torah Department, yeshiva students from Orot Hakiryah, Kiryat Gat Hesder Yeshiva, Moledet seniors club and the Kiryat Gat municipal social services department.
Chanukah Candle Lighting Ceremonies for the Elderly and Disabled
Distribution of chanukiot and lighting of the candles in homes of 200 elderly from the Ethiopian community, FSU and veteran residents of Kiryat Gat. Visits by the students to the elderly people's homes make a huge impact on them and help them to feel a part of Am Yisrael. Bringing a little light into their lives gives them a sense of security and belonging. Partners: the Torah Department, Moledet seniors' club and the Kiryat Gat municipal Social Services Department.
Hamashbir Lagat
A widespread project which operates in conjunction with the social services department of the city together the Hamashbir Lagat Foundation (registered charity 58-039-299-1) which was founded in 2002 and runs charitable projects. The Foundation is comprised of some 100 volunteers (youths, adults, religious, secular, those doing community service, national service), all working in a variety of capacities: assembling booths, collection, selection, distribution and special events. Of noteworthy mention is the fact that everyone involved works on a completely voluntary basis. May Hashem reward their efforts!
The projects:
Start of the new school year – distribution of school bags, including school supplies for children from needy families in Kiryat Gat. Rosh Hashana – distribution of food baskets (or alternatively, food vouchers) to hundreds of families in Kiryat Gat. The baskets include a variety of dry goods, fruit, chicken, meat and fish. Purim – distribution of Mishloach Manot to needy families, including a rich selection of products and a generous amount of goodies. Kimcha dePischa – During the month of Nissan a huge campaign is made to distribute hundreds of baskets (or alternatively, food coupons) and the best of everything for the holiday. The Foundation's main claim to fame is the weekly distribution of food baskets to seventy families in Kiryat Gat which enables them to enjoy a fully laden Shabbat table as well as to eat well during the week. Baskets include a variety of dry goods, vegetables, wine, challot, meat, chicken and fish.
Assistance to Senior Residents
Offering a helping hand to the elderly through an inter-generational project, innovative and unique to Kiryat Gat and its environs, the program is run by local students and pupils. Its main motive is to alleviate the sense of loneliness, helplessness and isolation that many seniors feel when they are not included in other social frameworks. We strive to ensure that every senior in Kiryat Gat will be treated with respect, enjoy good health, live with dignity, independently while enjoying this period in their life, actively, in a creative manner. Partners: The seniors department of the Kiryat Gat municipality, the Kiryat Gat foundation, Beit Wachs, the seniors' club and the Hesder Yeshiva. Good Neighbors The purpose of the Good Neighbor program is to empower the residents of neighborhoods both individually and communally. This is achieved by improving the esthetic appearance and involvement in the neighborhood by residing within it. When young families live side by side with one another, friendships and communal living are formed and they share responsibilities for the common causes and interest. The Kiryat Gat Hesder Yeshiva accompanies and assists the families in professional matters. The families join residents and the Kiryat Gat municipality to work together as a steering committee to implement shared projects for the benefit of the community.
Educational and Traditional Programs
Synagogue Activities in Kiryat Gat
Synagogues are a place where people naturally congregate, thank G-d. For many the hours between Mincha (afternoon prayer) and Ma'ariv (evening prayer) may be the only time they are exposed to any religious content or values. The program includes classes for: 1. Youth – between half an hour to an hour before Mincha young people study Torah subjects such as Mishnayot, Gemara (Talmud), Parashat Hashavua (weekly Torah portion), Ta'amei Hamikrah, Tefilla, (prayer) according to their ability and the suitability of the group. 2. Adults – between Mincha and Ma'ariv there is a short lesson on Halacha (Jewish law) and Parashat Hashavua.
Touching the Jewish Spirit
The Touching the Jewish Spirit program, as part of the national organization "Nefesh Yehudi" works to promote and strengthen Jewish identity amongst students, with the understanding that they are the future generation of the country and that strengthening their Jewish identity will be a very useful tool to ease their way as they find their place in the economic and political systems in Israel. In addition, the program aims to fill in gaps due to lack of knowledge, to bring together groups from different backgrounds, to foster better understanding between factions in order to improve relations and live harmoniously in spite of different outlooks. By learning in the project students are exposed to traditional, timeless Jewish content, which deepens the connection with Jewish spirituality throughout the generations and forms an attachment to these roots and Jewish identity.
“You will Teach your Sons”
Behind the project is the educational premise which says that it is possible to strengthen the pupil's self-esteem and trust in his ability to develop and broaden his horizons with assistance, while taking into consideration any personal conflicts and difficulties he is dealing with, to help as much as possible to resolve these through giving support, advice, by listening and encouraging, which will enable him to realize his full potential and accept personal and public responsibility for himself. The program includes regularly scheduled meetings, outings, Shabbat hospitality, lectures on all sorts of topics, such as legacies of battle heritage at Chanukah. Partners: Kiryat Gat Municipality’s Cultural Affairs Department, Gross School, Orot Hakiryah, Kiryat Gat Hesder Yeshiva. Testimonials by children participating in the program: "The caring and personal attention at the center makes me want to learn." "The patience and listening ear evoke a desire to study." “Meir Alfasi, a yeshiva student at the Kiryat Gat Hesder Yeshiva who led the project, recalls: "The students who were accepted to the project all started out with failing grades. By the end they all had better grades, like 85's. I am proud to be a part of this important project."
Youth Study Hall – In the Spirit of Idealism
This project is rooted in the belief that young people today are thirsting to learn Torah on a level which currently is not available in yeshiva high schools. The program aims to bring many Grade 12 students from yeshiva high schools to spend time in Kiryat Gat, to meet with the rabbis and other key figures, to open a window for new, deep and more meaningful dialogue on important life matters and to cause these thirsting young people to continue their learning. Within these meetings lies the potential to turn the thirst into a driving force, which in turn produces power and action from which the youth will grow and thrive.
Bar Mitzvah Programs
This program helps boys preparing for their Bar Mitzvah to learn more about Judaism, through presenting basic concepts of a Jewish way of life – the meaning of Judaism, tefillin, tzizit, kipa, siddur, Beit Knesset, the Torah, weekly torah portion, brit mila (circumcision), other Jewish symbols. Partners: Department of Jewish Culture, Kiryat Gat municipality, "Potchim Atid", the Jewish Agency, Orot Hakiryah, Kiryat Gat Hesder Yeshiva.